Originally Posted by renegade50
How many of us on here have lost a game animal to a bad shot.
And have had that gut and soul ache for days trying everything you know and could do to find the animal.
Even for days after.... or found yourself weeks after still hoping to find or stumble on it at times.

Raise your hand.

We did just this morning. Not that it was fatal at least. Chip shot really. Except the branch in the way we never saw at 230 appx yards. Poof. Something hit the buck. Tiger found blood. Found the buck bedded twice. I never got a shot. Last bed I had to dig like heck in leaves to find a bit of blood proving it was him. Zero blood after the first bed. We suspect really none the worse for wear.. Will check the pond again Saturday. But I doubt it. Easy rack to identify so we have 1.5 months left..

Regardless it sucks. And we were lamenting a few other weird shots. Some ended lucky like Leighton. Cool. Some not as much. A miss or two in there. Handful of long shots past 500. You just never know somedays. All the long ones have been perfect. Go figure

Thankful Leighton made it work!

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....