Originally Posted by 10gaugemag
Originally Posted by johnn
Originally Posted by smallfry
Originally Posted by pete53
shotgun has always been a great defense gun against man or bear tuff to beat.
I definitely disagree with that.
Can you expand on that?
No way am I relying on shot to get through heavy hair and having energy to get deep and kill fast. Plus it is going to expand very little if any at all, minimal energy transfer, the .33 caliber pellets aren't very heavy.

Yeah, I know there is 000 which probably works fine as long as everything goes smooth but if it were going smooth you wouldn't be in the situation to defend yourself.

At least with a large caliber rifle you can break bones that bullet is capable of breaking several in one shot.

Never been in bear country but I can see something in .33 or larger and an 18-20" barrel being mighty handy.
I have been in bear country and have taken a few, with a rifle, and mostly because they were in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

If I am hunting I am carrying a rifle and a hand cannon of some sort, typically mdl 29 in a chest rig. If I am on shore fishing walking etc, I would be carrying a pistol and possibly a shotgun if I am particularly concerned about bears. Usally I am not.

Regarding shotgun vs pistol, I would contend the shotgun is more effective, just considering shot placement, in other words I would prefer some double ought hit the bear, rather than a miss with a handgun, which is often likely, bear attacks are fast and I would consider someone lucky if they got off two shots before the bear was on em, they can be seriously sneaky bastards...

Typically alternate between slugs and double ought.

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii