Originally Posted by Big Stick

If you hooked (4) come-alongs to that fhuqking hideous Rat and acted FAST,you might have enough "rug" to reupholster a toilet eat...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Kudos on the Goat Fhuqk rifle,"mounts" and scope. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!................

Your toilet seat, probably 3 axe handles across, just cuz yer such a azz.

But yeah. north slope bears typically don't get all that big, there are exceptions..
at least they are purty unlike the fish eating coastal brown globs....

But the real story is you accuse me of never seeing a bear, then you dont like my bears.....
So, in typical stickup, hiccup fashion, you backpedal cuz your story is full of stick schit.

Funny stuff dude.

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii