Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by AKwolverine
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
The conditions were awful, with dead victims of typhus piled high, and many of the survivors suffering from it, requiring treatment. This scored tremendous propaganda points in favor of what they had intended to do to Germany after the war, so they played it up, instead of categorizing it for what it was, i.e., one in a long string of tragedies associated with the war.
You were anticipated. And it’s taken less than a century.
Yes, those shrunken heads, human skin lampshades, and human fat bars of soap, that Eisenhower forced everyone to peruse, were just awful, or would have been had they not been fabricated for the purpose of anti-German propaganda, which fact literally no one with any legitimate history credentials any longer denies.
And you claim there were no gas chambers or ovens. Zyklon B was just a delousing agent......right?

The sad thing is, you believe this schitt. The sadder thing is that more believe it every generation.

History has a strong tendency to repeat itself. I wonder who will be herded into the gas chambers next time?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.