Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by local_dirt
My father went on 2 missions into the Dachau camps. He rarely spoke about it, but did infrequently tell me short stories about what he saw.

Don't ever believe these wacko nutbag history revisionists here. The Holocaust was real.
"The Holocaust" is a doctrinal rubric. There were certainly real things that happened during WWII, and lots of people were mistreated, suffered, and died, on all sides. Nobody denies that. The questions relate to the existence of a program of mass murder of Jews. That's where the arguments break down, and aren't supported by real facts.

PS No legitimate historians any longer even claim that there were homicidal gas chambers at Dachau. In fact, all allegations regarding gas chambers in any camp outside the post-war control of the Soviet Union have been dropped by all serious historians.

I've toured the Dachau Concentration Camp twice. It is located just northwest of Munich and didn't have a gassing facility, inmates were just killing other ways. There were many concentration camps, but only 6 extermination factories were established following the Wannsee Conference in 01/42 where "The Final Solution" was mapped out, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka, all in occupied Poland.

Are you denying that the Wannsee Conference took place and that it was where the SS, represented by Reinhard Heydrich, mapped out the process for exterminating European Jews?