Originally Posted by Swifty52
Originally Posted by gunchamp
The war on terror was a money making scheme. 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi, yet we attacked 2 different countries, not them. The middle east is a bigger nightmare now that it was before we invaded. Thats not even debatable.

Vietnam served no purpose other than to feed the MIC and kill off thousands upon thousands of our countries young men. We didnt stop communism and better yet, our country has become exactly what we were told we were stopping

We are already at war with Russia. Nato has boots on the ground and NATO has been the ones controlling the show. Ukes dont have anyone left. This is why Putin just officially announced they are at war. Everyone who has any clue as to what is happening in Ukraine knows that its the US and nato that Russia is currently fighting

Just back read through any of these types of threads and you will see more than enough fat, old, tough guys that are more than willing to send our children off to die to fight the Russian boogeyman

That nasty ole Russian boogeyman again, 70 years now that Russia is behind everything wrong. Getting old hat folks kinda like the racist tag, throw it out there enough and you take it for the lie it is. NATO/EU/USA were behind this otherwise they wouldnt be trying so hard to gaslight it.
Spot on!