Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The Germans are notoriously careless bookkeepers (said no one with afucking brain…ever). Their own books show detailed data regarding who, when and where they rounded up. I’m no fan of Jews in general but I’m even more disgusted by revisionist bullshit! Never did the Nazis at Nuremberg say it “didn’t happen”…why?…..because it did happen and their own pen along with copious volumes of detailed bookkeeping convicted them! If we can’t trust their own records then we simply need to look at the evidence from the mass graves, the stories of the locals (who also never claimed that it didn’t happen only that they “didn’t know”). It’s only now 80 years later, after our grandfathers are no longer around…..you remember the greatest generation that WAS ACTUALLY there?…..can no longer defend against the stupid bullshit that some try to rewrite the truth. I don’t give 2fucks about whether it was 2 million Jews or 6 million Jews but the notion that more than a half a decade of rounding up Jews and shipping them via railway only resulted in a couple hundred thousand Jews dying of secondary or accidental deaths flies in the face of EVERYTHING that the Nazis wrote in detail about accomplishing!

Every once in awhile these ridiculous retards crawl out into the sunlight in the safety of their basements claiming they know better than the detailed German records. You don’t have to like the Jews to accept the truth…
Like being Japanese American in the 1940s made one instantly suspect of being an Imperial Japan sympathizer/partizan, being Jewish (which was, at that time, nearly synonymous with communist) in Germany or its occupied territories instantly made one suspect of being a Soviet sympathizer/partizan.

I don't excuse it in either America or Germany (a crime in both cases), but that's what the round up and internment was about in both places.

It was only in the last months of the war that calamity occurred in the German run work/internment camps, resulting in huge numbers of deaths. The purpose of the camps, however, was internment and manufacture of products needed for the war, not genocide.

Glossing over that fact doesn't make you a good person. It just makes you ignorant of history.