Originally Posted by JoeBob
So this thread got me curious and I looked it up. The only outright extermination and death camps were Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzek, and to some degree Auschwitz. That doesn’t mean people didn’t die at other places and conditions weren’t hard, that just means those camps in Poland were the places where death was the express purpose.

Curiously there are few to no records from those places or the records are only partial. Said records having never been created or having been destroyed. They say they have only ten percent of the records for Auschwitz. There are transport lists and things like that from other places to there that have allowed researchers to get an idea of how many people went through and who was sent where, but a certain amount of guesswork is involved.

I’m not offering judgement either way except to simply point out that those records don’t exist. It’s not surprising. If they ever existed, they certainly would have been destroyed before capture.
There would have been way too many duplicates for them all to have been destroyed.

There are plenty of records that contradict the narrative, however, which are glossed over for obvious reasons, such as communiques sent to camp commandants by their superiors complaining about deaths there being at a higher rate than would be expected at a typical manufacturing plant, and that greater care needs to be taken in regard to inmate safety and health.

We don't, however, see the types of messages we'd expect to see were the death camp narrative true, such as, "You are way behind on your quota of Jewish deaths, and need to increase the numbers per month." Such communiques simply don't exist. Odd, right?