Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
And you claim there were no gas chambers or ovens. Zyklon B was just a delousing agent......right?

The sad thing is, you believe this schitt. The sadder thing is that more believe it every generation.

History has a strong tendency to repeat itself. I wonder who will be herded into the gas chambers next time?
Originally, after the war, it was claimed that all the camps featured homicidal gas chambers. Very quickly, however, they were forced by reports from inspectors to drop the claims with regard to every single camp that wasn't at that time located in Soviet territory (What a coincidence, right?).

The camps in Soviet territory were not accessible to investigation by Western inspectors, so Soviet anti-German propaganda about them was permitted to persist unchallenged throughout the Cold War period, resulting in said claims eventually being incorporated into the official history of WWII.

As for Zyclon B, it isn't possible to reasonably deny that it was a pesticide for delousing clothing. That was its purpose for manufacture. It's not a fact that's denied by anyone who has so much as scratched the surface in investigating it. Was it seriously your belief that it was manufactured for gas chambers?? laugh