I never took pleasure in the killing part, less so now. So why hunt and fish? At the root of it it's my nature, people are predators. That's our role in nature, our instinct. When I have an animal in the sights or a fish following I find myself locked down with determination and no remorse in the result. Pleasure in the process and result (usually food) but not the killing. The process connects me to the world, the ecology if you will. Much more so than walking around observing nature, actually being a part of it. So many "ecologists," the bunny huggers who set themselves apart from their human nature, lack perspective on how the world, nature, works and man's place in it. Shared with friends and family, my tribe/pack, so much the better.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.