Originally Posted by Steelhead
I don't dance around, jerkoff and high five everyone in sight after killing a critter.

That said, I still get much gratitude in it and don't think much about it as it's not a hobby, it's something I'm supposed to do.

I know I will always eat meat, so I'd rather it come by my hands than from the store. I figure if you are always gonna eat something that was living and breathing you should do it yourself.

Life feeds on life. Always has, always will.


When I was younger I'd kill just to kill like songbirds & rodents & such.

Today I kill only what I eat (with coyotes & woodchucks as exceptions) and never kill non-game animals. I occasionally let game animals and even the occasional varmint walk, and my sons & I even love bird watching as a pastime in & of itself.