Yeah, okay. That's it. LMAO. C'mon man.

I have rifles that cost $300 new. And rifles that I have over $5-$6K into. Unlike yourself, I am not a fanboy of any brand, and am able to see each one for what they truly are, and are not. AND admit same. My feelers don't get hurt if somebody doesn't like one.

I have A Vanguard that drives roofing nails out of cardboard boxes. That is how I used to practice field positions. Throw a box full of nails out in the field and drive them out of the box. It sells for less than a Tikka. As do my 700 ADLs. Both are better designs IMO, and both offer more for the price. And I couldn't care less of who likes them or who doesn't.

You'll never hear me try to justify my rifles the way in which you repeatedly do yours. Same picture over and over again.

Clearly you are the one that is butt-hurt. Rifle envy is a terrible thing.........