Originally Posted by Shodd
It is the kind of behavior that could finish hunting as we know it.

I believe you'd be one of few men on a jury who would aquit.

Any deviation from the will of the people is called communism is it not.

This has to be one of the stupidest posts I've read here. I've already said the same thing you did in the first sentence posted above.

And if the "will of the people" is to make taking an ill-advised shot at game illegal, why isn't it already illegal? What are you doing sitting at your computer screen, why aren't you out organizing communities to correct this grave injustice?

If this isn't stopped, then it will be up to the individual hunter to decide whether to shoot or not, and we just can't have that. It's communism.

And by the way, you can't judge the will of the people based on an internet thread that's a week old.

A wise man is frequently humbled.