It was our first day in the bush, Namibia,June,2007. We were hunting gems buck on the first day of a14 day hunt. Dirk Rohrmann, thePH was driving his old cut down Land Rover. My wife Carol was riding shotgun and Manual,the tracker and I were in the high seats. We had stalked and looked over many gems buck, but nothing I wanted to take. Dirk suggested we move to another area also known for big was chilly early in that,but when the sun comes up the temperature becomes very pleasant. As we went down the 2trackLwas struck as how similar Namibia is to South Texas. All of a sudden there is a whap on the driver's side door and Dirk yells out the "f" word. I am looking around to see what happened and all I see is the grass move. I asked Dirk what happened and he told me a black mamba was sunning itself by the2 track and we had run over it's tail. It reared up and struck at the Rover and hit the door denting it about 6 inches from Dirk's arm. After a few minutes to calm down and realize how lucky we were, the hunt went on. That is the dangerous snake adventure I have ever had and I hope it is the last. Porsche73

It ain't the way it used to be, but it will do.