I think a lot of people are far too paranoid about snakes. I've kicked around Africa for 30 years, slept in the bush numerous nights, including many without tent, sleeping bag or anything else except a small fire and a rifle. I've had numerous close encounters with various snakes over that period.

I've had face to face encounters at a yard or two with mambas and other snakes, I've stepped on several puff adders, and even found myself (accidentally) pissing on a spitting cobra.

When I've absolutely had to, I've killed several over that time when they've come into camp and can't be moved out or when they've come into my house....... but not once in all that those years have I ever felt I came close to getting bitten and what's more, I've never had any member of staff get bitten.

I have to wonder why on earth do so many people feel the need to kill a snake that's just going about it's business of being a snake, when they see one in the bush?

Hope I don't offend anyone here, but as I see it, that kind of behaviour simply shows a deep lack of understanding of the eco system they're in.

About the only exception I'll make of that statement is if you find yourself in a blind with a snake and the snake is blocking the exit OR if you're a Masai because those buggers have had it bred into them for generations to kill any snake or Lion they ever come across. smile

Have you swept the visioned valley with the green stream streaking though it?
Searched the vastness for a something you have lost?
Have you strung your soul to silence? Then for God's sake go and do it
Hear the challenge, learn the lesson, pay the cost