
I go back posting with you to the old MarlinTalk. I have no dog in this fight but IMHO, Ray did seem to exaggerate a bit. He had some great lines and I used one for awhile, paraphrasing but the one that an animal is like a can of Coors was priceless.

Ray had many opportunities to defend himself and prove the naysayers wrong but never did. I don't know why but my guess is that he couldn't back it up.

I did enjoy his posts and would have loved to see the hunts, animals and firearms he spoke of but again, he never did.

I know a few guys like him that talk a good line and have some real world experience but like to embellish a bit and talk louder than others, because of a couple I have a disdain for the 270 Winchester that I have to get over. crazy

The last thing is I enjoy posts by Phil Shoemaker, Steve Timm, JB, Dober, Big Stick(needs a better way to deliver his message), etc as they talk well and back up what they say in words, photos, etc. No hit, but Ray is not even on the same playing field, again IMHO