Maybe we should all just change the Subject. Anyone else agree?
I mean RickBin already said Ray wasn't banned therefore he was not fried at least not on the campfire. He may have burned a few bridges and made a few mistakes. He may have even pi$$ed some people and got slammed for it. Who hasn't?
I am not picking sides I am not even standing up for anyone. However the master of the campfire (RickBin) has spoken. So since the answer has already been stated and made public, how about we all just move on or change the subject.

Here i'll help change the subject:
"Say something nice about another campfire member"
I like Ken Howell heck I love Ken Howell! Great man with a ton of knowledge that I myself will never accumulate.
Ken is alright by me.

Anyone else wanna say something nice about another campfire member? Lets move on from something that was already answered pages ago.


Enrique O. Ramirez

" is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.." Hebrews 11:1