Originally Posted by dryflyelk
It won't be a flop - it says Glock on it - but it's certainly not what we wanted.

This "little" glock is bigger than many of the 9mms coming out now. Check out the new little 9 from Remington. It looks sweeeeet. You've also got the shield, the XDs, and several others that are all great.

Glock is a day late and a dollar short. If they brought this pistol to market in 2000, they'd have a winner. Right now, they'll sell some, but only to glock gutys. Too many other great options right now.
the little 9 from remington is 20 oz heavier than a shield or a glock 26. The fact is this new glock sounds about the size of the kahr cm and pm 9 that sOunds like a nice size gun if you ask me.