Yeah, for the most part, if I were carrying three handguns on my person, it was a full sized sidearm, (Smith 1076 or Glock 35) and then the Glock 27 in an ankle holster. Then I usually had one of the NAA revolvers in my left hand pants pocket.

I figured the NAA about as good as a sharp knife in a worst case/last ditch scenario.

Very few folks ever knew I had it, as it was verboten to carry any unauthorized weapons on duty. I made sure to purchase mine where I had to fill out a 4473 on it, so I couldn't be accused of carrying a drop gun.

When the P-32 came out, I was just getting to the end of my road time, but I did replace my NAA with one of them for the last few months of my time on the road.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis