Originally Posted by battue
Read an article on "Fat is Fuel" the other day. Some points�.

"Fat as Fuel" from a GNC article by Jeff S.Volek, PHD

No GNC products were advertised in the article. Which eliminates Corporate bias.

"Low carb and higher fat diets will induce an acceleration of ketone production. When this occurs the body will adapt to using fats as fuel."

"Fats are more plentiful. The body has around 500-2500 Kcal of carbs which are enough to last one day. While the body has approx around 40,000 kcal of fat. However, it can't be used unless they have been on low carbs for a couple of weeks."

"Eating carbs locks and athlete into a dependence on carbs until the body adapts to burning fat for fuel."

" Fat contains twice a many Kcal than carbs to be used for energy"

"Burning fat in place of carbs generates less lactic acid."

"Burning fat will result in the loss of body fat which means a greater percentage of muscle mass and an improved power-to-weight ratio."

"A low carb diet has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity."

Something to think about and perhaps some of the old rules are being re-evaluated.

I've seen most of these facts before and was confirmed by my doctor. He's a great doc and took the time to explain the fat vs carb metabolic process. I did a bit of follow on the interweb and it makes sense. Thanks for doing a good summary and posting.

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