Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by bwinters

As an aside, my gastro guy put it very succinct - forget everything you think you know about eating. Throw out the food pyramid, and eat low carb, increase ratio of fats and protein. Lift heavy things and hike/jog/walk alot.

Bears repeating. The Zone isn't really "low-carb" though as you still get 40% of your calories from carbs. That is markedly less than the average American eats though. Grains should be avoided if you are trying to loose weight, and minimized if you are at an optimal weight. Wheat is likely the worst grain for most folks. Rice is probably the best.

Low carb is a relative statement for 99% of Americans.

Why is wheat the 'worst grain'? I've heard/seen that before and don't really know why.

Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.