Originally Posted by Oheremicus
OK, guys. First of all, I'm 5-8 and weigh 168 lbs. At age 70, my doctor says I'm the healthiest person he knows in my age class.

It's amazing to me that a guy who demands "accredited studies" can turn around and throw out an unsubstantiated personal anecdote with a sample population of one and no objective criteria and think that it means something.

Originally Posted by Oheremicus
I've read lots of current stuff. One of them.....

In other words, with all the information out there, you chose the one source that (according to you) agrees with your opinion.

Originally Posted by Oheremicus
The diet gurus are racking in their bucks.

Now this is hilarious. A guy who cites the "food pyramid" put out by the USDA talking about someone making money off of nutritional advice. How much money do you think grain and dairy farmers have made as the result of the food pyramid?

Originally Posted by Oheremicus
But the fact is that those societies that base their diets on the whole grains, not meat and fat, live longer than we do in spite of the fact that we have health care that is light years ahead of theirs. E

So now the guy who demands "accredited studies" switches from personal anecdotes to generalities not borne out by those same studies.

First of all, longevity is one measure of health, but not the one we're talking about here. Unless those centenarians are lugging backpacks in the hills.

Second, I've read some of those studies and even the authors cannot ascribe the longevity to a single factor, much less ascribe it to increased consumption of whole grains as you want to do. Or if you think I'm wrong on that point, please provide one study that points to grains as the reason for longevity. The studies I've seen point to a variety of factors, and not all are even dietary. Other dietary factors seem to be increased consumption of fish, and increased proportions of unsaturated fats vs. saturated fats.

A wise man is frequently humbled.