I do light upper body to keep my arms, shoulders, and chest strong, but I really focus on legs. I'm a bigger guy, and my legs get tired very quickly with anything resembling an incline.

I don't do many dead lifts with more then 225#, as every time I do I slip my hip out of place and can hardly walk for several days. That usually happens with weight over 315#, but happened last week with 275... I'm starting to get my mobility back.

I also don't focus on max weight on any lift. I focus on a weight that challenges me, but that I can do 10 times for 3 sets.

For example...

Bench, Ill do sets of 215, 220 and 235.

Squat, 245, 255, 275 (usually 10, 8 , 6 on squat)

Military press (bad shoulders, so really light) 95, 105, 110.

That main component which, I am really bad about exercising is the core. Leg lifts, sit ups, butterfly kicks etc.

I do like to do at least some cardio every day. Only about 10 minutes on leg days, 20 minutes on upper body days, and about once a week I will do strictly cardio. On those days, I usually run for 15 minutes, bike for 15 minutes, and do either the stair stepper or elliptical for 10 minutes.