In this day and age, who in their right mind would want to be an LEO?
There are POS in every occupation. Degreed or not. I give alot of credit to the ones that really want to go into the profession knowing the consequences..... you are chitted on by the ones up above, your are under the spotlight no matter what you do, and chitted on by the ones you are trying to serve and protect.... in escence you are a reverse Chit Sandwich.... oh yea....there are people out there trying to kill them for doing their job, all the while they are thinking of how to go home alive everyday to be with their families and have a normal life like everyone else.... you want their job? I think if anyone wants to criticize them, walk a mile in their shoes and let us know how it goes.... and yes, I have several family members in LE.... State, City, and Corrections .... this world is going to hell in a hand basket...