? [/quote]"

Your premise of what is useless is your opinion but you are entitled to it.

A BA degree has an average mean of 120 to 124 credits needed for graduation.

That's a very standard requirement.


My opinion is based on several years of actual Police experience.

Out of those 120-124 credits, how many do you think are core classes directly dealing with job scope of a cop?

How many are foo foo classes

Here's a hint. I've never used math above Highschool Algebra on the job

I've never used The Zooology class, or Geology class I took

I've never used anything from English Lit.

I'll grant that Psychology classes can be helpful, especially to people already working in specialized investigation units and such. But the average patrol cop, not so much

The skills learned in Frisbee class haven't really been required, not has the skills I learned in intro to sport hunting

If you would, please tell us about your experience as a LEO?, and instructor

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell