Bear spray?

There's group that studied bear attacks and incidences, collected a ton of data and charted it. I watched their entire long video report. I'm not an expert but I'll repeat what I remember...

Their advice was:
- you have to carry something! Gun or bear spray, which ever you feel more proficient with, but every one in your party should carry something.

- the bear spray is more efficient protection than a gun. They clarified that this is all about being proficient with what you carry.

After watching the report I now carry bear spray. I'll have a lightweight revolver on me too but it's not my primary bear defense and I'll tell you why.

If I'm backpacking and I reach an area that has poor visibility I'll simply unholster my bear spray and carry it in my hand, at the ready. I can't comfortably do that with my handgun.

Also, the risk of running into another hiker with gun drawn is very uncool imo but having the bear spray dawn is non-threatening.

I see people out there with nothing at all to guys carrying all sorts of heavy artillery but I don't judge. I figure I'll carry what I'm comfortable with and mind my business.