wwy, I admire your experience and agree with you about bear spray. I still carry a can on most trips. I prefer it's non-lethal, educational effect and have used it a few times, mostly to educate young bears or deter "teenage" boars testing how far they can push humans.

Spray, and the Kimber "PepperBlaster", can be carried and used, even in campgrounds and other public areas, by people incompetent with firearms, without the fear of someone getting shot. they are also perfect around town and rural areas with agressive dogs too. And from my limited use, they are effective.

But no one tool is perfect and if the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail.

Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master Guide,
Alaska Hunter Ed Instructor
FAA Master pilot

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is not effective has either not used one, or else is unwittingly commenting on their marksmanship.