"In those years a Harley was out of the question because they were stolen so much, mostly by bikers, to be shipped overseas in later years. The worst of it was towards the very end where one MO was to run into the Harley stopped at a light from behind with a truck or van, and then load up the bike into the truck or van. The advice was if ya rode it to work always take a different way home, and have an eyelet set into the slab of the garage to lock it to. As for leaving it outside at the mall or parked at work or in an apartment parking lot day after day/night after night forget it. All of the above weren't very practical if your bike was your only transportation."

If the above was commonplace enough to actually worry about, I'm damn glad I didn't grow up anywhere near you! Just where in the USA was this $hithole location? Never heard of such a thing in my home town.
