Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by Zerk
Originally Posted by FreeMe

As for "fitting a woman on the back".....My definition of "hot" doesn't require that big seat with a backrest.

If you like women, and riding with women, you will put a back rest on and a comortable seat.

Perhaps some guys need to do that to get them to sit there.

Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by FreeMe

Pretty rare to see anything I would describe as "hot" on the back of a Harley. Now - I HAVE seen a few of them actually riding one on their own - but that's rare too. Tzone is right about this.

As for "fitting a woman on the back".....My definition of "hot" doesn't require that big seat with a backrest.

Ever heard of a place called Daytona... or Sturgis? No? Thought not.

Where the phugk do you live? Malaysia? TFF.

I am laughing my head off right now.

I have nothing against Harley or the people who ride their products. But I find it easy to be amused by the attitudes I see from both.

Phugk with the bull, you get the horns. Keep poking the bear, you get to see the claws. You should be old enough to know that, if you're on here.

BTW- I've enjoyed a physical relationship with every lady that's EVER rode on the back of my bikes, except for my stepmother, Harley or any other make. So, your other dig against whoever you were addressing it to doesn't hold water, either.

You Harley raggers really do crack me up. You come out.of the woodwork and rock piles to bash HD. I particularly like the one story about how they run past the Harley to get to the next stoplight first. Really impressive. You obviously have no clue to the meaning of the word "putt" or the concept behind it.

But rock on, m'fugger.

Thanks for another chuckle. Can't say I'm impressed.

This thread started with a claim that millennials (which, sadly, I am not) are killing Harley. Somewhere along the line, a Harley lover piled on the similarly dubious claim that Harleys gather more hot chicks (as if a Rider should care). I am merely pointing out the falsehood of both claims - oh yes, and throwing in a little dig here and there. That some people take offense to that shows some pretty thin skin. But I've noticed that's kind of a trend with people who's identity is wrapped up in a machine, and the image that goes with it.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.