Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by Starman

curious,.... is Col. Craig Boddington of '120+ safaris' fame, onboard with the shock theory you push???

Yes he does....

Col.Boddington describes it not as fact, but only as THEORY and HYPE:
May 23rd 2016, Guns&Ammo -

"Roy Weatherby believed in velocity and his theory of hydrostatic shock that it conveyed. He also wanted his rifles to look different,
like “tomorrow’s rifles.” Characteristic and distinctive were his Monte Carlo comb and squared forend with a reverse slant at the tip.

The thing is, Roy Weatherby believed his hype .He lived it and breathed it.He was not just a marketing huckster; he was a true zealot,
preaching the gospel of velocity[/b] and ultra-modern stock styling. Provided you didn’t bad-mouth his rifles and cartridges, he was also
a really nice guy".

Merriam-Webbster definition of huckster

(hawker, peddler); especially : one who sells or advertises something in an aggressive, dishonest, or annoying way.

Definition of hype

promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its benefits.
to intensify (advertising, promotion, or publicity) by ingenious or questionable claims, methods, etc
exaggerated publicity; hoopla.
questionable claim, method, etc., used in advertising, promotion, a swindle, deception, or trick.

Definition of zealot

fanatical, completely intolerant of different beliefs or opinions.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.