Originally Posted by wageslave
I refuse to have any interaction with dead chickens or Satan.

I can't get past the goofy name(s) either. Can you imagine someone asking what kind of $2500 rifle you're shooting, and trying to say Vodoo Sinister with a straight face? Perhaps I'm too old. Aren't old guys usually the ones that can afford it though?

A $2500 gun for me must have a very nice piece of genuine wood, indicate who makes the barrel, a nearly flush fitting magazine, and not have a childish name(s) based in the occult. I wish the fellow had named it after himself instead.

The giant magazine means it won't fit in your pocket. I suppose it makes one look like an STBA though (sinister tactical bad-ass)?

I hope they do well but not for me in the current format...Tom

Last edited by thomasconnor; 01/26/18.