No cryin' here Stick. I own a Vudoo. 18" Kukri, currently sits in a XLR Element chassis. Tha'll change when the right Manners or McM pops up. Might look into a Greyboe Terrain from RHR. Maybe even a MPA Attitude.

Originally Posted by Big Stick

Fascinating "perception". Hint. Congratulations?!?

It turned into the usual,in which CLUELESS Window Licking Droolers gave it a whirl,but if only as per just didn't quite pan out in their favor. Imagination and Pretend are GREAT for Entertainment,but will never connect a single fhuqking dot. Hint. Laughing!

It's never been difficult to savvy who shoots and who don't and the Don'ts are forever TRYING mightily,to correlate Fantasies with Reality. It'll only come as a "surprise" to gals like you,that such Delusions never transpire,simply because they can NOT. Fortunately,Imagination and Pretend are free,so you gals can "afford" to "contribute" "lucky" kchunts. Hint.

Bless your heart for Crying though,as it was a VERY nice touch and undoubtedly heartfelt. Hurt Feeler Reports are available,as you exit the premises.



I never thought I'd grow up to be a grumpy old man, but I did, and I'm killin' it.