Originally Posted by Big Stick

I enjoy how STUPIDITY isn't an Act for you...you "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

It is never not fhuqking hilarious,when The Paper Hat Brigade asks a question and then in their next post,they are Magically giving "answers". FUNNY schit! You've got me at a distinct "disadvantage",because I've more than a few of the actual magazines,which just "happen" to mate said rifles,none of which you've even "seen",excepting my pics. Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess,while you get to "flaunt" your Imagination and it's Pretend. Feel free to wax eloquent,on the sound your Imagination makes,when you Pretend to "shoot" it? Laughing!

To really cheer you up,I've never spoken with the Maker about anything and bought said rifle at a yard sale. Laughing!

One thing is for CERTAIN about you Do Nothing DUMB Fhuqks and that's when it's all said and done,there will have been a fhuqk of a LOT more said,than done. Looking forward to your obliviously quantifying same,as only you can,with your version of "knowledge","experience" and "results". Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt. Oooopsie!!!...too fhuqking late,you "hard charger" you.

Bless your heart.


So, you wasted your one post a day to tell me that you still don't know whether or when they will produce a flush-mount mag? Got it.