Mennonites, They have a Mennonite school one mile from my house. It is a large Mennonite community in our town. They have large, well kept farms, nice homes, immaculate yards, and beautiful children. The ladies all wear little caps on their heads in public, dresses past their ankles, never a pair of slacks. The men and women all look you right in the eye, and speak pleasantly. Their kids are well educated, polite, respectful of their elders. And they never get in trouble with the law, or get on welfare.

They have a welding and fabrication shop near the school. They have done several jobs for me. Very fair prices, and top quality work.

What is not to like? I wish everybody in the nation would raise their kids a bit more like the Mennonites do.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.