Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Nathan13
Being a draft dodging, parasite upon our society is not the same as being a conciencous objectors.
People who work and produce needed goods and services and are not a burden on the public treasury are not parasites on society and I applaud them for not wishing to go kill people in a foreign country or assist in any way.

Junk pole barns, filthy baked goods, and wooden lawn trinkets are not needed goods. You guys have no clue what you are talking about because you haven't experienced living among them. This idea that you want to celebrate them sticking it to the government is based solely on some romantic notion you have about the way they live. That notion is false. If any other group of people disregarded their civic duties as Americans you'd be all over them. But you think they're so cute with their barefoot kids and phony lifestyles that you support them. Go down to your local veterans memorial and read the names of the draftees that have been killed and maimed in service of this country against their will, because it's part of the responsibility that comes with living in the greatest country in the history of the earth, and then tell me how great these vermin are.