Originally Posted by Nathan13
Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by JTrapper73
The government needs to leave them alone and stay out of it, but I could care less if I ever saw another one.
We've had an amish community a couple of counties away from us for several generations but they've worked all over the southern part of the state. Some do great work, others not so great. They have been there long enough that they have outgrown their communities and a lot of the locals won't sell the kids any land, especially farm ground, so they are moving out.
We are starting to get them in our county and this bunch is coming out of New York. They're selling farms for big money there and moving to areas where land is not nearly as expensive like here. My part of the state is not typical amish country. Way too many hills and rough ground, not the flat or gentle rolling ground like they typically inhabit.
I have been around them working on job sites and had other dealings with them. They love to act ignorant. That's one of their favorite tactics. They are hard on livestock and hard on women and there is no end to their creativity when it comes to screwing someone out of a dollar. You better be real careful if one is nice to you. They aren't who you think they are. The other day, my friend sent me a picture of an amish horse and buggy tied to a sign at the hospital. The sign said, "Veteran's Parking."
Oh yeah, that's one thing you won't find in an amish community......... a VFW.


some do great work, others not so great?

Dang, that sounds like those colored folks, and some Mexicans, Ukranians, and even..........................white Volk.

Selling property in NY for big money and moving to your area?

Dang, that sounds like some Californians moving to "pick a State"..............or even Iowans, Minnesotans, and Ohioans moving to TX or other Southern States.

As to non-service in the military.............there have been many conscientious objectors from various religions, and likely even atheist ones, over the years.

Seems like there's some dislike around here for living in a free country.


You might want to research the different duties that were assigned to legitimate conciencous objectors during g wartime in this country before you make excuses for the Amish. Being a draft dodging, parasite upon our society is not the same as being a conciencous objectors.

You mean like this history?

Although by 1917, when the US entered the First World War, the ‘Historic Peace Churches,’ (Quakers, Mennonites, Amish and the Church of the Brethren), were legally exempt from military service, state draft boards were not consistent in applying the law. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) was established to provide support for conscientious objectors and alternatives to military service, work which continued throughout the Second World War.


There's a lot more info on it out there if you'd care to look into it. Read that link and see about the folks who went to jail for their beliefs and such.

Some Quakers regard taxation for military purposes as a form of conscription. Refusal to pay tax as a form of protest goes back at least to 1709, when Pennsylvania Quakers refused a request for £4000 for a military expedition against the French in Canada, saying "it was contrary to their religious principles to hire men to kill one another". During the War of Independence, Quaker property was seized and many Quakers were jailed for war tax resistance.

Yeah, others were given office duty, or medical duty, but still others refuse to assist a military effort in any way, including paying for it.


The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?