In northern Pa about 20 years ago they moved in and bought up many of the farms that were sitting idle. They paid cash an the locals seemed happy to have them. Soon they wore out their welcome partly because locals were being undercut on their own business endeavors as it seemed each family had a sideline to farming,ie. carpentry, masonry,bakery, etc. When this took a foothold the locals quit doing business with them. The Amish and Mennonites soon moved back to Ohio. Now when a small farm comes up for sale if the buyer is from out of town mysteriously the house and barn burns down shortly after the sale.
This Amish that remain keep to themselves. I have hired some to build a barn for me ...whew! The work was great and fast as they worked from 6 AM to 6PM but I had to pay them cash at the end of every day and they ALWAYs tried to get a bit more than agreed upon.