Originally Posted by renegade50
Slumlord brought up seeing hudderite women with big ole suit cases
Up in montana going into canada on trains.

I told him i bet they was moving cash from one community to another in at least one of those suit cases.

What do you all think of their internal cash banking system that exist.
Are they held to federal regs on that like the rest of us are.

What about wealth transfers between relatives
Inheritance taxed????
Capital gains taxed???
Remember its all cash......
Their feet held to the fire on that schit like the rest of us.

Not when it is not known by unca suga it aint.

Whats the limit a parent can disburse/ gift to a child per the IRS in the regular world tax free..........

Amish and mennonites aint held to this schit cause unca suga dont know what they have....
All under the pretext of religous exemption schitt.

I get on a plane or whatever to go to or from the USA
Do i have over 10 k in cash on the customs form....

Religous exemptions in any religion in this country is fugging B.S.
Unreported income makes the rest of us TaxCheats when caught does it not.....

Pay like the rest of us have too......

Another layer exists in the fact that they don't have social security numbers. ...think about it , it's like they perfected the illegal immigration scam even though they were born here. You basically can't penalise a someone who doesn't exist. what's an irs auditor gonna do? Show up and ask for John miller and demand the books? There are none, mostly cash. Which John miller? I dunno there's 28 of them in this township. Short of committing a super violent crime, they are untouchable. And that would probably be swept under the rug from within.