Originally Posted by Nathan13
You might want to research the different duties that were assigned to legitimate conciencous objectors during g wartime in this country before you make excuses for the Amish. Being a draft dodging, parasite upon our society is not the same as being a conciencous objectors.
It sounds like you don't appreciate your fellow citizens if they refuse to go and assist in any way the killing of other humans that are not trying to invade this country. I am terribly against foreign involvement because of the cost and it is none of our business mostly. I am certainly against going to another country and killing people who aren't bothering me. It's just my belief that I shouldn't. When they invade or if some of our home grown become dangerous that's different. Other than that live and let live. I wonder maybe you've been involved in some action you feel defensive about?

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."