Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Dipsticks who drink alone are the worst type of alcoholics.

You and Renegade50 deserve all you get in life.

As the saying goes, stupid should hurt.

Fortunately for you two, liberal politicians are trying to prevent stupid from hurting.

I saw where you and Renegade were comparing shoe sizes and talking of piggy back rides through the swamp.

Didn’t peg the needle, but a solid 9 on the cringe-ometer.

Originally Posted by slumlord
I have a firepit, two actually. I don’t entertain people.

I drink alone.

i get shîtfaced and drive all around on our land. I have about 4 miles of private roads. Several big fields to just park in prop my size 14 out on the mirror of the Scottsdale and kick back.

That or roll myself up a big ol hogleg and toke it while I’m bush hogging. If I want to.

The law stops at the rickety wooden bridge coming in.

Life is good Bruh’
