Originally Posted by hatari
Ultimately, it's a personal decision and I respect peoples right to choose.

I got it, and I got based on my profession, my training, and my education on virology and epidemiology.

As I've stated elsewhere, vaccines are foreign bodies injected to illicit an immune response to trigger the production of T-Lymphocytes and anti-bodies. It is a very complex and delicate cascade of events and it is NOT without complications when you are talking about a half a BLLION doses have been administered so far world wide. There will be some problems just based on 0.0001% of bad side effects we can expect..

Yet on the other hand, I've shared with you the people I have personally lost to Covid, friends and family. You cannot tell any of them, now deceased, that the mortality risk is overstated. They are now statistics.

I will venture to say that these same people in my life that we've lost to Covid would have faired better with the vax than without, and odds are probably they would be in the group without serious side effects.

People can come up with any number of reasons/excuses not to get vaxxed. Fine don't do it. There are risks both ways. If you get vaxxed and get Gillian-Barré, you'd wish you'd never gotten vaxxed. If you skipped the vax or got Covid before it was available and ended up like too many of my buddies and family, you'd wish you'd rolled up your sleeve.

There is no free lunch. There are risks boths ways. Know that. The risks of the vaccinations in my opinion are being politicized and overstated just as much as the mortality of the virus and its threat to human race are politicized and overstated.

Ultimately, it's your call.

You have me on ignore, it's what democrats do, so this is for the other people to understand not to take advice from you, mr. dentist, if you really are even one, which I highly doubt.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. I'll get back to prove this point.

You broke Federal Law when you "coerced" your employees into taking the deadly shot. Fact. And for that, you should lose your Dental license, if you are a Dentist.

You state you are educated in Virology and Epidemiology, yet you don't know these deadly Synthetic Gene Altering (SGA) designed shots DO NOT give T-Cell recognition for lasting immunity as you described above.

These shots are illegal, being the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was illegally signed by trump, being other safe medications were available at the time. With the EUA being illegal, these shots now fall under Human Experimentation, which is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which makes them in violation of International Law.

There has never been a successful Corona Family virus vaccine developed, and probably never will, being Corona family viruses constantly mutate into a different variant / strain. All attempts have ended with the deaths of animals during the animal trials from ADE, and have created Viral Evasion, which produces deadlier variants / strains which evade the vaccine shot and become drug resistant, like antibiotic resistant TB, C-Diff, MRSA, etc.

And your statement concerning people who died would've been better off with the vaccine is completely baseless with no evidence. That is called conjecture.

Class dismissed.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)