Originally Posted by MM879
I don't think the vaccine was available yet. Don't listen to these nutcases. Get your shot when your healthy and fight your way out of this mess.

I proved yesterday the deadly shots change your DNA, which can cause multitudes of deathly illnesses / diseases.


Sure is funny how DocRocket, you, Dr. Boy George, or any of these other azz clowns here trolling me, can not refute the rock solid scientific evidence I produce from “truthful respected” sources authored by honest Researchers, Virologists, Biologists, et al.

And there are other reports that came out yesterday, that support the DNA is being altered, that I haven’t even posted yet. The info is starting to come out in droves proving this is a GENOCIDE.

None of you azz hats, who have now shown your colors of aligning yourselves with these NAZIS, and as members of this GENOCIDE, have the horsepower between your ears to out flank me.

You people are the Communist / NAZI enemy to the country, and have now exposed yourselves.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)