Originally Posted by DocRocket
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Doc, the Hydroxychloroquine studies failed because folks were told by the CDC to go in AFTER the active virus phase was over and the inflammatory cytokine phase was hitting them.

It was too late for Hydroxychloroquine to do any good after they had been sick for a week. In fact, many started getting well and thought they were over the hump when they were killed by the inflammatory cytokine storm closed their lungs.

There are a lot of reasons those trials failed. As I said, they were designed to fail, in every way possible. The Henry Ford system study was the first clue that HCQ was workimg, and as you said, they were giving it early enough to make a difference. All of the randomized treals set up in 2nd quarter of 2020 used ridiculous doses, given too late, or given to wrong diagnostic criteria. It was frankly amazing to those of us discussing it at the time.

Originally Posted by jaguartx

PTL for ivermectin as it also has an anti inflammatory effect.

I'm not convinced the cost-benefit relationship of ivermectin justifies its use yet. I will have to revisit that, as I havent looked at it for quite some time.

Originally Posted by jaguartx

And God bless you for your Pred rx for me. I would be like well an d go hunting in cool weather and make it 300 yds before having to sit and rest to make it back to the truck. Then home and bed for 2 days on pred. Then well and then again. Thought i was screwed forever. Finally got over the relapses. Killed heck out of ducks on the Pecos this year and a good bit of quail and sandhills too. Where the hell were you?

I was working my ass off the latter half of 2020 due to getting furloughed in 2nd and early 3rd quarter. Took a hell of a hit on my income, been scrambling to get back on top of it since then. I'll join ya this fall/winter for sure.

Regarding ivermectin, here's a super compelling anecdote. A friend recently kicked his advancing fever/cold illness square in the nuts with a properly dosed $3 tube of Tractor Supply's finest, along with C, D and Zinc. He was not tested before/after/during for Covid.