First off, let me say that cockwomble is the ideal description of the problem here. I put the cockwomble on Ignore within reading 1 or 2 posts. Under no circumstances, should anything construe what I'm saying as supporting the cockwomble or cockwombling in general.

Everyone's dead now, so I can talk about it. Years ago, I was associated with a group that acquired a cockwomble. We had regular happy hours around town and this cockwomble decided to visit all of them. He pretty much made a career out of cockwombling. To Christians, he was an in-your-face Neil deGrasse Tyson, trying to overwhelm you with his scientific understanding. To Conservatives, he was the quintessential Libtard. He had an opinion on everything and whatever you were into, he was against it. He finally pushed the wrong guy.

Mister Cockwombler did not know how close he became to getting whacked. I had a very close and dear friend who'd spent years in the belly of the beast in Washington. He not only swam with the sharks, but he ate them. He was a Conservative's conservative and he was also had a lot of . . . well, let's call them dark friends. Cockwomble rubbed this guy the wrong way one too many times. Mister Conservative told me one night over some single malts that he had ordered a hit. He had the money. He had the friends overseas.

Don't. Please don't. I spent the better part of an evening with my friend trying to talk him out of it. The discussion spilled over into breakfast the next day. Mister Conservative felt it was a guilty pleasure he could afford, so he was going to do it. I am convinced he meant it. He certainly had the money and the means. What finally got him talked out of it was my assessment that Mister Cockwombler, in his own perverted way, would probably appreciate the attention. It was that sort of thing that he lived for. I told Mister Conservative to stop going to the happy hours for a while and cool off. As it happened, that hiatus was fortunate, because, with Mister Conservative out of the picture, Mister Cockwobbler turned his attentions on others in the group. As expected, Cockwombler no longer had a nemesis willing to joust with him, and he dried up and shriveled away.

I have seen multiple Cockwomblers come and go. They loved to be kicked around. The one we had in high school followed me to college and even started taking classes in my Major and living in the same dorm. I ignored the SOB, and everyone I knew at school pretty well shunned him as well. By our class' 5 year reunion he'd committed suicide.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer