Originally Posted by Windfall
94 people admitted for Covid at a Fox Valley hospital group yesterday here, 80% unvaccinated. That is unsustainable and instead of an RN looking after them, they are getting a new bunch of National Guard hand holders who don't want to be there. A flu shot and triple vacced here and no issues what so ever. If that makes us sheep, then so be it. They had a lady on TV today that got an 18 hour trachea transplant surgery because she was breathing through a hole in her neck because of a Covid breathing tube.

You know what nobody is talking about is the out of pocket cost of spending time in a hospital. I have better things to spend money on.
Hospitals here are loaded with vaxed at a much higher rate than unvaxed according to a friends wife who is a head RN. Glad the vax worked for you. Your choice to take it. That will never be in my body though. Give me something safer that will actually keep me from getting sick, you know, like all the other vaxes out there