Originally Posted by Windfall
94 people admitted for Covid at a Fox Valley hospital group yesterday here, 80% unvaccinated. That is unsustainable and instead of an RN looking after them, they are getting a new bunch of National Guard hand holders who don't want to be there. A flu shot and triple vacced here and no issues what so ever. If that makes us sheep, then so be it. They had a lady on TV today that got an 18 hour trachea transplant surgery because she was breathing through a hole in her neck because of a Covid breathing tube.

You know what nobody is talking about is the out of pocket cost of spending time in a hospital. I have better things to spend money on.

I talk to someone every day that’s an RN is Wisconsin that’s worked a covid unit for 2 years.

They don’t keep track of jabbed vs. unjabbed. They don’t even ask because it’s not relevant.

Those numbers are complete bullshit and you are retarded for falling for it.