Originally Posted by ribka
Physicians in America kill over 500,000 Americans a year with their mistakes. Twenty per cent of FDA approved drugs are pulled off of the market every year because they have been found to be very toxic or do not work. Pharm Companies have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans and paid out billions in lawsuits over their FDA approved drugs.

The FDA daily recommended allowances are a guess. They have no clue what amounts of vitamins and minerals are healthy and necessary

Remember the Government food pyramid? Putting high carb, high sugar items at the bottom as an essential part of our diet??

What compound in Ivermectin is toxic and how does this compound affect the cells or organs or chemical processes in a toxic manner?

So ivermectin has no anti viral properties despite the fact it has been used successfully on tens of millions of people around the world to successfully fight viral diseases.

What haven't memnon clonal anti bodies been used since this began in March of 2020? Why did Biden ban them now after they have been very successful?

You're a moron

Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by rainshot
It's not as easy as walking into a Doctor's office and demanding Fentanyl. Ivermectin and Hydroxy aren't deadly and have been in use for many years. They have been proven helpful in treating many cases of Covid but all healthcare conglomerates around here deny their doctors to prescribe it. They claim that it's not approved by the FDA but neither are the vaccines. The vaccines are not even actually vaccines. This entire pandemic is being used as a political weapon and people are lied to and denied possibly beneficial medication. Children are being force vaccinated even though their risk is .0001% of being critical even if left untreated after they get Covid. Antibody treatment has been denied people that aren't vaccinated; Why? The great Doctor Fauci has waffled all over the place over the years about masks, vaccinations and the disease itself. The NIH has lied and spent money supporting China's Wuhan lab's research that led to this disease. If you believe that Joe Biden is an expert on anything you might need your head examined.

You're proving yourself another of the internet "experts" that has not a notion of how things actually work. Weird, we admitted a patient taking ivermectin, which can be deadly, for severe dehydration with a critically low sodium, magnesium, etc. My sister-in-law had a patient that REFUSED any treatment other than what she read about on the internet. Well, her first dose of the "safe" hydroxychloroquine caused QT-elongation and ultimately a fatal arrhythmia within hours of administration. But as most of you internet experts, you've tried to qualify your statement with information and opinion that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

The truth is the "safe" treatments are only as "safe" as they are when a trained physician assesses risks and benefits of the drug and prescribes it appropriately.

You so smaht, thinking everybody else so dumb.

I take Magnesium and several other supplements + Ivermectin once a week as part of a preventive protocol, as well as staying properly hydrated (4-6 bottles of water) every day.

"Trained physicians", as you so gracefully call them as you bow at their feet, have killed 100's of thousands of Americans with their commie suckassing.

Agreed. Dude has a god complex as seen in other posts
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by tylerw02
Originally Posted by rainshot
It's not as easy as walking into a Doctor's office and demanding Fentanyl. Ivermectin and Hydroxy aren't deadly and have been in use for many years. They have been proven helpful in treating many cases of Covid but all healthcare conglomerates around here deny their doctors to prescribe it. They claim that it's not approved by the FDA but neither are the vaccines. The vaccines are not even actually vaccines. This entire pandemic is being used as a political weapon and people are lied to and denied possibly beneficial medication. Children are being force vaccinated even though their risk is .0001% of being critical even if left untreated after they get Covid. Antibody treatment has been denied people that aren't vaccinated; Why? The great Doctor Fauci has waffled all over the place over the years about masks, vaccinations and the disease itself. The NIH has lied and spent money supporting China's Wuhan lab's research that led to this disease. If you believe that Joe Biden is an expert on anything you might need your head examined.

You're proving yourself another of the internet "experts" that has not a notion of how things actually work. Weird, we admitted a patient taking ivermectin, which can be deadly, for severe dehydration with a critically low sodium, magnesium, etc. My sister-in-law had a patient that REFUSED any treatment other than what she read about on the internet. Well, her first dose of the "safe" hydroxychloroquine caused QT-elongation and ultimately a fatal arrhythmia within hours of administration. But as most of you internet experts, you've tried to qualify your statement with information and opinion that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

The truth is the "safe" treatments are only as "safe" as they are when a trained physician assesses risks and benefits of the drug and prescribes it appropriately.

You so smaht, thinking everybody else so dumb.

I take Magnesium and several other supplements + Ivermectin once a week as part of a preventive protocol, as well as staying properly hydrated (4-6 bottles of water) every day.

"Trained physicians", as you so gracefully call them as you bow at their feet, have killed 100's of thousands of Americans with their commie suckassing.

Bless your little heart, another internet expert. What do you do for a living?

Take all the bullshit you want, but you are creating expensive piss by taking supplements. Your body doesn't absorb them unless you're already low...just extra work for your kidneys!

Yeah thats right, just take only the garbage that big pharm pushes that has 8 million potential side effects and wreck people on a daily basis lol

God-complex? Really? Because I share professional experience? I guess if I took what morons say on the internet as gospel, I'd be better at my job. Give me a break!

And as I said, I don't care what you do with your body, but a boat load of supplements is nothing more than creating expensive pee if you're not deficient of said vitamins and minerals due to existing illness or poor diet. Sorry it hurts your feelings, but its the truth. That's how our bodies work--we discard excess as waste, and we preserve things we are deficient in.

The stupid sonuvabich has no basis in fact in his blatherings and continues to ignore FACTS.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member