Originally Posted by gunchamp
Originally Posted by Windfall
Ribka, I suppose that they just asked them if they had been vaccinated for Covid? It seems to me that they wouldn't need the National Guard if the hospital staff itself wasn't coming down with something and calling in sick. You guys won't get Covid vaccinated because the Internet "doctors" say you shouldn't, yet when you get sick you run for the hospitals for an hours long IV Monoclonal Antibody or convalescent plasma IV! The guy next door had Covid-19, got over it and they were paying him a premium for giving blood to get that plasma so that they can give it to you guys who won't get the vaccination in the first place.

Hospitals wouldnt be "over run" if they hadnt fired or forced people to quit over a bullchit illegal mandate. They are feeling taxed to the limit because they are rolling with half staff

Hospitals might not be over run if those same National Guardsmen were being used at our border as intended - or had they not started firing unvaxxed Border Patrol agents.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius