Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Or is my supposition that these words that you used: "at worst a dangerous road hazard" don't equal these words "a traumatic event for a motorist"

Do you see how your language has drifted as I have tried to drill down?

A situation where someone is liable to receive crippling injuries or dies is not a dangerous road hazard?

If the incident becomes a life changing event emotionally and/or financially for the operator of the vehicle does not that represent danger to the driver?

Are drivers NEVER placed in danger of a collision when avoiding cyclists in the roadway? If so, why do so many feel they are?

Why then is it unreasonable for drivers to resent cyclists? Crap, even in a minor collision just having to deal with the hassle of being made late for work and having to make an insurance claim because some retard was in the road on a bicycle is legitimate grounds for resentment.

Perhaps “emotional immaturity” on your part plays a role here, ‘cause you’re gonna go back to the drivers are wrong to feel that way because you don’t think they should feel that way, your only argument 🙄

Like I said, the sort of smug patronizing attitude among cyclists that pisses off drivers so much.

Drift on my friend drift on. Going back to my previous comment. What does the data tell us about the hazard that bicyclists present to motorists? It's right up there with the threat that right wing extremists present. It mainly exists in the imagination of the frightened and uneducated.