Originally Posted by Starbuck
I've had a lot of success with both over the years. And while I don't disagree that a SFP that tops out at 10 isn't a deal breaker as far as reticles, I still prefer a well designed FFP if given the choice.

Use what suits your needs and sensibilities.

Originally Posted by Jordan Smith

I'm betting Carlos Hathcock got from Point A to Point B just fine in his 80's technology vehicle, too, but that doesn't make it the best choice in today's world.

I play with a lot of scopes, both shooting and hunting. The end goal of all that play time is placing a bullet where I want it when hunting. I could get by just fine with SFP scopes. I could get by just fine with FFP scopes with a well designed reticle. End result is I've come to prefer a well designed FFP reticle for all around use.

Originally Posted by jackmountain
You’re the consummate gentleman and businessman Doug. Appreciate your presence here.

Doug really is. He spends his time laying out options and allows each of us to make a choice that "suits your needs and sensibilities" as Starbuck stated.